YCIFI Global Fashion Mentorship : Public Lecture by Tuty Cholid
As we all known, Mrs. Tuty Cholid is one of Indoneisan
senior designer who is already joining in fashion business since 80’s.
yang kita ketahui, ibu Tuty Cholid adalah salah satu senior designer yang
telah malang melintang di bisnis fashion
sejak era 80an.
She started her professional career as a fashion
designer after won a fashion design contest and the prize was a scholarship of
fashion school in Paris France. Althought she already took Midwife School and
Interior Design School before, her passion of fashion delivered her until being
a fashion designer like today.
Ibu Tuty
Cholid mengawali karirnya sebagai fashion
designer setelah memenangkan lomba
rancang busana yang berhadiah sekolah fashion
di Paris Prancis. Meski sebelumnya sudah sempat mengenyam pendidikan di sekolah
kebidanan dan desain interior, passion-nya terhadap fashion-lah yang mengantarkannya menjadi
seorang fashion designer seperti saat ini.
As an early fashion designer in Indonesia, she said
that they (fashion designer) need a long process to make people aware into
fashion. Because at that time fashion is a tertier need, a luxurious things for
a few society.
salah satu designer awal di Indonesia, Ibu Tuty Cholid menuturkan bahwa
diperlukan proses yang cukup panjang untuk bisa membuat masyarakat ‘melek’ fashion. Maklum saja, pada masa itu fashion dinilai sebagai kebutuhan tertier, suatu kemewahan yang hanya bisa
dinikmati oleh segelintir orang.
When in Paris, she learnt that there is a 2 work
which is had a prospective economic value, it’s craft and business industries.
Saat di
Paris, Ibu Tuty Cholid mempelajari bahwa dalam ada 2 jenis pekerjaan yang bernilai ekonomi jika dikembangkan
dengan baik, yaitu craft dan industri
Fashion designer is a specializing profession on
fashion area, covering every visual attribute which is attached on our body, it
can be a clothes, a bags, a shoes or an acessories.
Fashion designer
merupakan profesi yang mengkhususkan diri pada bidang fashion mencakup segala macam atribut visual yang melekat pada tubuh manusia, baik itu berupa pakaian,
tas, sepatu atau aksesoris lainnya.
Whereas crafter is a specializing profession on
craftmanship of borderless range (because it’s too much), it can be a
sculpture, a pottery, a crochet, a metal worker, a sketcher or even a sushi maker.
Sedangkan crafter merupakan profesi yang
mengkhususkan diri pada bidang keahlian tertentu yang ruang lingkupnya tak
berbatas (karena saking banyaknya), seperti sculpture
(seni patung), pottery (seni
tembikar), crochet (seni rajut), metal worker (seni logam), sketcher
(seni gambar) atau bahkan sushi maker
(seni mengolah makanan).
She decided to entering fashion business after
looking Indonesian textile business had a big step on the world. Her hard work
on fashion business is paid off by international business expansion.
Ibu Tuty
Cholid memutuskan untuk terjun dalam bisnis fashion
sebagai apresiasinya di tengah industri tekstil Indonesia yang sedang
menggeliat. Berkat keuletannya, bisnis fashion-nya
sudah merambah ke mancanegara.
It’s not easy to be a survivor in fashion business,
there are so many competitor and the technology always update. One of the key
to survive on fashion business is by holding on the concept and the good
concept never based on the market only.
Untuk bisa
bersaing di bisnis fashion diperlukan
upaya untuk tetap bisa survive, salah
satu cara yang paling ampuh adalah dengan menggodok konsep produk. Dan konsep
produk yang baik tidak mesti berorientasi pada market semata.
Because the essence of fashion designer is being a
craft conceptor also trend maker (creating the trend). Market shouldn’t lead
fashion designer, because fashion designer should be the leader of the market.
It’s like ... Where are we going next year?
esensi fashion designer adalah sebagai craft
conceptor yang menciptakan tren (trend maker), bukan market yang
mengarahkan fashion designer, namun fashion designer yang
mengarahkan market. Mau dibawa ke
arah mana tren tahun depan? Semacam itu lah ...
In fashion business there is 4 range of work, it
is boutique, haute couture, mass production and enterpreunership.
bisnis fashion terdapat 4 range yang bisa diolah, yaitu butik (boutique), adi busana (haute couture), pabrik industri (mass
production) dan kewirausahaan.
As a fashion designer we always want our business
gaining into the next level by expansion out of our concept range, but it would
be nice if we thinking wisely which range we should expansion, at least it
should be match with our concept and handled well. Remember ... don’t be a
Sebagai fashion designer jika memungkinkan tentu kita meningkatkan level dengan mengekspansi bisnis pada range di luar range asli, namun ada baiknya difikirkan terlebih dahulu range mana yang sekiranya akan sesuai
dengan konsep produk kita dan mampu ditengani. Ingat ya ... jangan serakah.
And one things, never aftraid to compete with
other countries because Indonesian is a black horse in fashoon industries
better than China, Vietnam and Thailand. Indonesia supplied US fashion need
among 68% (data of 2000s), so there is no reasonfor not to compete in fashion
Satu hal
lagi, jangan pernah takut untuk bersaing dengan negara lain karena Indonesia
merupakan pemain yang diperhitungkan dalam industri fashion melebihi China, Vietnam dan Thailand. Indonesia bahkan
mensuplai kebutuhan fashion US
sebesar 68% (data sekitar tahun 2000an), maka tidak ada alasan untuk tidak ikut
bersaing dalam bisnis fashion ini.
Nowadays, people still have a hunch about fashion
by expecting fashion is a glamourous things, the only things they didn’t
expecting is fashion is about business.
Feel free to leave some feedback after, also don't hesitate to poke me through any social media where we are connected. Have a nice day everyone~