I designed a brand logo
for nnn (read: nonon), the purpose is for basic clothing line or apparel such as
shoes or bags. That’s why I’m using a monochrome tone color, because it’s basic
tone color.
Have you seen The Matrix (trilogy) movie? I
guess you did because that movie is available on an Indonesian (regular)
television channel and is often repeated in several times, so you must know (about
it) and have no reason for it.
I wouldn’t write about the movie review or the
synopsis, I just want to write about the female character in it, Trinity. She
is in Neo's (main character) team and fighting together. This movie taught me
about the possibility of a digital world in the future, so scary and
unbelievable (but who knows?).
I don't know why I adored her so much as I like
SO7, maybe because of her style hehe She is soo... cool !!! I loved the way of
fashion department (in that movie) represent her character as cool, agile, and (a little bit) mysterious. No ... she’s
not elegant because this is a science-fiction movie.
My favorite thing about her is hair. Hair? I
like her hairstyle because neat and simple not annoying like the other female
character which is had long (messy) hair (OK. I remember this is a science
fiction movie). Mmm ... I don't really know about the make-up, but for me she is
Sometimes, when I (re) watching The Matrix
(trilogy) I feel watching shampoo advertisements hehe Black suits, neat hair, and
no dandruff or dust on their suits, even though they’re often fighting their hair is still neat and their suits still black. Nothing I can say except awesome ...
Actually, I wish Trinity would be with Neo in
the end, but fate says differently (damn you scenario writer). Trinity died
on the last trilogy a few minutes before its end. And I feel disappointed.
Why? Why? Why? Why she must die in the last minutes at the end of a trilogy. At
that time I (absolutely) know Neo's feelings.
That’s my favorite character (Trinity), some
people might say her style is so out of date now, but for me she (is still) the
coolest female character that I adore and love.
Bulan Juni adalah bulan ketika timeline socmed diramaikan dengan listening to Tulus – Satu Hari Di Bulan Juni
atau screenshot penggalan syair
Sapardi Djoko Damono yang Hujan Bulan Juni. Bisa juga dengan status palsu
(sedikit keluh kesah tapi ingin update)
ala socmed user“... pasti banyak yang update status pake
lagunya Tulus deh...”.
Meskipun bulan lainnya sudah punya theme song tersendiri seperti Glenn
Fredly dengan Januari-nya, Vina Panduwinata dengan September Ceria-nya atau
Seurius dengan BDG 19 Oktober-nya. Theme song
di bulan Juni selalu menggelitik perasaan saya haha Bukan karena tidak suka
atau sentimen dengan penyanyi atau lagunya ya, I always remember Pici while listening this song...
Bagi yang belum tahu, Pici adalah Benchoys.
Pici adalah teman saya selama di DA, 6 tahun
sekelas meski beda jajaran, 5 tahun
seasrama dan pernah jadi bedmate
waktu di asrama gabungan, sering maen
bareng keliling Kota Garut (kalau sekarang mahistilahnya
#exploregarut) dengan jalan kaki biar
hemat dan sehat. Sayangnya Pici kuliah di Purwokerto karena kena tulah orang
Jawa dan saya kuliah di Bandung biar dekat dengan rumah.
Rumahnya di sekitar
Pabrik Bulu Mata dan dijadikan base camp
angkatan saya (so, you know where to find
me in Garut), masih suka travelling
bareng dan menghadiri acara-acara penting tahunan seperti Buka Bersama (+ foto
studio) dan pernikahan teman sebaya. Sekarang baru saja menyelesaikan
pendidikan S2nya dan jadi pengangguran produktif yang suka posting urusan pertanian di blog tentangvici.blogspot.com.
OK, yang diatas adalah fakta selingan.
Mungkin karena kecewa booklet tahunan minim anggaran, Pici memutuskan untuk mem-posting draft booklet yang tak akan
pernah dicetak, isinya? Data diri, alamat, kesan dan pesan. Selain itu Pici
juga menuliskan tentang diri kami dari point
of view-nya lengkap dengan segala kebiasaan dan memorable moment yang dia ingat.
Nah, disitulah hubungannya Pici dan Tulus
terjalin. Pici dan Tulus memang tak pernah saling mengenal, tapi tulisannya tentang
saya di blognya tentangvici.blogspot.com
kurang lebih mirip-mirip dikitlah
dengan lirik lagunya Tulus. Meski Pici lebih dulu mengungkapkannya lebih dulu
daripada Tulus.
Makanya waktu pertama kali dengerin lagunya Tulus yang Satu Hari Di
Bulan Juni pikiran saya langsung melayang-layang ke postingan Pici beberapa tahun silam. Berkali-kali saya dengerin pun sama, yang kedengeran Cuma “... kamu cantik meski tanpa bedak...” sisanya tertawa
berderai-derai sambil membayangkan muka Pici yang kemerah-merahan.
Ada sedikit kesenangan yang menggebu-gebu
setiapsaya menemukan Tulus dan Satu Hari Di Bulan Juninya di sosmed. This is it...
Once I listened, I repeated and laughed at it. Thank
you for making my day so Tulus !!!
XOXO :* :*
The first time I saw the trailer, I
imagine this would be an awesome movie and I thought Walter Mitty would be dreaming in the whole movie.
Secret Life of Walter Mitty
Walter Mitty is a long-term single who worked
as Manager of the Photograph Department in Life magazine, he spent his entire life keeping the negative film and enjoyed his job, no less and no more. He often
imagines another story of his life that he never had, sometimes he imagines the other side of himself that he wanted. Everything is gonna be awesome
in his head, never spoken or happen. He kept his mind inside. (Actually, he is
liking the new girl, but he tried to communicate only wink in her
Then, a new director came and screwed up, he decided to close the magazine. off course it's affected the whole company,
almost all would be jobless. But they're still prepared for the last edition of
Life magazine, one of their photographers mentioned his masterpiece the
negative 25 for the last cover. Mitty searched it in his whole office, but never
found it, and confused. He tried to call the photographer (Sean) but as a nomad person, he had an inconsistent address.
Mitty decided to ask by himself, he only had
3 clues based on the latest photograph Sean sent. So.. the journey begins...
1st photograph took him to Iceland (or
Greenland), a strange place outside his dream which brought the wildest
experience that he ever imagined.
2nd photograph took him into the Vulcano, he
risked his life by following Sean, but ... not this time ... he is late and
Sean was gone.
Frustrated Mitty came back to the U.S. and realize
that half of his company are fired, so he is.
3rd photograph took him to his mother's piano, it was a big surprise Sean ever came to his house.
Then, Mitty decided to follow (again) Sean
into Afganisthan for captured Ghost Cat. He passes many areas to reach that place
just for meeting with Sean. After a long journey finally Mitty met Sean. Sean's
answer is totally painful, negative 25 is put in Mitty's wallet which was
thrown because he is angry.
Zzzzz ... zzzzz ... zzzzz ...
Is it over yet? No! Hehe ... I was surprised
by the ending, so watch it !!!
This is an awesome movie, really, the biggest
dream wouldn't come true if we never make it happen. And BTW this is the best
performance of Ben Stiller (if I compared it with his other movie).
FYI, the movie wallpaper is nice J many
people edited it with inspiring quotes.
Hari ini iseng-iseng saya searching gambar di IG sambil menunggui mama yang sunbathing, tak sengaja saya menemukan akun IG milik Tulola yang menjual produk jewelry dengan ornamen khas Indonesia. Tulola Jewelery didirikan oleh Sri Luce Rusna, Happy Salma dan Franka Franklin di Bali.
Desainnya cantiikkk ... sekali dan sangat detail, kalau kata dosen saya dulu sih
‘ciamik’ 😁 Harganya ‘relatif’ terjangkau antara Rp. 350,000 sampai dengan Rp
4,500,000 per item mencangkup bracelets (gelang), earrings (anting), necklaces
(kalung), pendants (liontin), rings (cincin) dan subeng. Tapi ya worthed, hanya dengan melihat design dan detailnya saja kita pasti sudah bisa menebak seberapa bernilainya
produk tersebut.
Terdapat 2 pilihan material utama yaitu emas (gold)
dan perak (silver), penggunaan material perak tidak sebanyak material emas dan penggunaan material perak paling banyak adalah
untuk cincin. Ciri khas jewelery dari Tulola
adalah aksen bunga dan logo Tulola yang lebih dikenal dengan infinity knot, serta penggunaan batu mulia
dan mutiara pada setiap design-nya (dan
tidak menutup kemungkinan mereka akan meng-explore
material lainnya). Selain itu ornamen pada jewelry-nya kental
sekali dengan budaya Hindu, wajar saja karena Tulola base-nya dari Bali.