Di minggu ini saya dan Puput mengunjungi pabrik susu KPBS dan Taman Bunga Bougenville di daerah Pangalengan. Sayangnya kunjungan industri kali ini tidak sesuai yang kami kami harapkan, karena pegawai yang biasa memberikan penjelasan saat kunjungan industri ada dinas mendadak, kami (agak) ditelantarkan selama beberapa waktu sebelum akhirnya ada pegawai (lainnya) yang bersedia menggantikan.
Saya dan beberapa orang lainnya tidak mengikuti acara sampai tuntas dan lebih memilih untuk pergi ke toko oleh-oleh di samping gedung. Bukan mau beli oleh-oleh sih, lebih tepatnya untuk membelikan titipan teman, tetangga dan sanak saudara yang tahu kami pergi ke Pangalengan 😁.
Tujuan selanjutnya adalah Taman Bunga Bougenville, menurut hasil searching letaknya di daerah Ciherang Pangalengan, kalau kata ibu panitia sih dekat, dekatnya kurang lebih 1 jam perjalanan yang curam dan berliku-liku.
Ketika kami sampai cuaca memang sudah mendung dan udara pun mulai terasa lebih dingin, Puput yang terbangun langsung kaget karena ada di tengah hutan 😅. Kalau dilihat sepintas sih memang seperti jalan menuju villa-villa besar, tidak ada tanda-tanda spesifik seperti patung atau gapura, atau memang saya yang gak nyadar gitu yahh ...
Ketika masuk saya langsung mencari-cari letak Taman Bunga Bougenville yang jadi tujuan kami, tapi ya jangan harap akan menemukan bunga Bougenville yang bermekaran di seluruh penjuru taman karena itu tergantung musim.
Taman Bunga Bougenville diperuntukkan sebagai tempat rekreasi keluarga di musim liburan. Fasilitasnya adalah kolam renang dengan 5 seluncuran semen yang eye catching, musholla, food court serta aneka cottage dan gazebo yang bertebaran di hampir seluruh area. Di antara semua bangunan tersebut dibuat taman-taman perdu tanpa bunga dan beberapa arena permainan anak, serta terdapat sungai kecil berair jernih ditengah-tengah area. Tempatnya cukup luas dan masih sepi.
Hujan deras yang sudah diprediksi segera turun, saya dan Puput langsung menempati gazebo terdekat untuk berteduh sementara yang lainnya memilih musholla dan food court (sekaligus makan Pop Mie). Karena dirasa akan lama saya dan Puput memutuskan untuk kembali ke dalam bis demi kenyamanan 🥲.
Salah satu cottage di Taman Bunga Bougenville |
Taman Bunga Bougenville
There are rented houses in Cikutra which named Yanarti, I don't know the story behind the name. I just want to share a few things that happened in that place. When we started to rent the room, the housekeeper gave us a paper about the rules (most of them are: don't' bla... bla... bla...) of the house. If we'd like to stay in that house we must follow it.
My first friends were Icunk and Beye, Icunk also joined me and took Product Design in college, and Beye took Midwife as her major. Another friend, I mean outside Darul Arqam circle is Annur, she came from Cikampek and took Management as her major. We became a close friend since knew we were the newest member of that house. For 1st year college is the craziest, we often sleep at dawn only to do our tasks. Especially when we are in the mid-test and final test.
Usually, we unite during lunch and dinner, but sometimes we do not see each other for a day. Since we're still single, we always spend time together, is it going to college, to the mall, to karaoke, to Gasibu, to warnet, to Tante (she is a food seller near our house), to anywhere, even to caught up cheated boyfriend hehe
We avoid bringing electronic stuff, such as a mini refrigerator, rice cooker, television, iron, etc. except laptops and cellphones. If we still want to use it, we must pay (again) counting by item. Actually, we can hide that stuff, but the housekeeper keeps spying on us, she has eagle eyes which know every detail stuff in our room.
Sometimes we're cooking, we're only Annur hehe... She would take care of our food while we were so confused about what we wanted to cook, she liked cooking, her hobby is cooking and we trusted her so much more than ever. We usually ate in Annur's room (I thought it was very weird to eat in the room although there is a dining room) then watched television and slept together. it seems my room is useless because most of my activity is done in Annur's room.
In that house, we divided ourselves into a group. I mean from my perspective there are 4 groups based on the habit.
1. New Comer - It's us, The High School label is still on us, and still need time to adapt to a new environment.
2. Previous Renters - It's the people who arrived before us, they are hard workers and busy with campus activity.
3. The Oldest - The oldest renter who has stayed at that house since they were in college until they work
4. The Unknown - I don't know, they're rarely in the house, more busy outside (maybe), only seen while paying the bill.
There are no annoying things in the house, except a person or a person who thinks that our group is so annoyed. Maybe because of our habit, grouped and noised hehe... Sometimes they have pranks for us, but as the nicest newcomer, we don't care and forget. Let me explain, our rented house is so quiet and rarely noisy. It's quite well until you can hear the heartbeat :) Even the fart would know easily.
One craziest ideas ever was to make a Yanarti t-shirt, It's Annur, she wanted to show how much we loved at hated living in that house. Never realized it because no one wore it hehe.
One time, there was a renter from another island in Indonesia, she didn't much talk but gave more attention to some people in the house. We thought she had a little bit of weirdness, I don't say she's an anomaly but her attitude says it. On one fine day we were cooking in the kitchen, we didn't know she was inside until she texted Icunk about her tasty food smells. If she wants to join us, at least she must come out and socialize.
The similarity of her victim (I don't mean to be rude, but...) is she'd like women who have a big body shape that came from the bathroom to use a towel hehe... She is our big concern and threat. Because of one and another things she decided to go back to her hometown. We were happy for a while until the Mbak Mar (the housekeeper) told us about the fact of her. She has a gift for Icunk and two people outside the newcomer.
She gave Icunk, Mbak Mar, and 1 person a cell phone, even if it's a simple cellphone that only can be used for texting and phone calls, it's still a cellphone, right? the last person has the carpet in her room and of course, she denies it. After Icunk got the cellphone, she texted: Please accept my gift, you can give it to the cat if you don't like it. Come on... a cat? How could she think like that? We forced Icunk to remove the card and change it with a new one, so she could use it without being terrorized.
Icunk left first, she wanted to change her major and university, so she decided to move to stay a while in her house in Malangbong Garut. No longer, Rela's sister (Yayang) came to replace Icunk's room and make a friend with us. We all do the same things we used while Icunk available. Then, time flew by we had a boyfriend and rarely spent time together like in the old days. Only have a little chit-chat in the morning and in the night before sleep. We have another important activity to do :)
We celebrate Yayang's boyfriend by making a surprise, a failed surprise by the way... We planned to give a surprise while they were talking on the porch, it's kind of an unpredictable surprise until we make a noise about the candle of the cake, seriously that things matter. He is aware of us... we don't have any choice except to go outside by bringing the birthday cake. He is very happy to get the surprise and gift from his girlfriend, it seen by his bruise check.
Fortunately, they took their relationship to the next level, yes, now they're engaged and ready for the wedding next year. Congratulation!!!
*Yayang only took 2 semesters of Interior Design, and she decided to move to Garut to help her mother's business.
After that, Annur moved closer to her college. She wanted to focus on her studies and relationships hehe... We were happy when Annur got a boyfriend, finally, she found the right guy. I felt uncomfortable and sorry for her because she had trouble with our friend. She is jealous of Annur because she is in the same class as her boyfriend. It's a stressful relationship between us, she can take a breath when Annur has a boyfriend.
Beye, how could I describe this person? We thought we knew each other very well since we were in the dormitory and lived under the same roof for 9 years. Even though we've moved, we moved into the same house (again). She got her boyfriend on the day I celebrated 1 anniversary, officially it's the same date in a different year. So happy for her. She moved into another rented house near the street and I followed her, I didn't want to be left alone, not really alone, but I felt lonely.
I rented for 2 years before decided to move out with Beye, closer to my college and more noisy hehe
Thank you Mbak Mar who was loyal to the owner and took care of us, also Mas Jaja who was loyal waited for the Nasi Goreng seller on the porch.
I spent this weekend by watched the traveling and culinary programs in television. It'a a good program which worth to seen for people whom have a nice fantasy about going outside (is it for take a break, for have a good food, for have a good vacation, for have a good experience and etc) but never plan and take action for make it real. I just watched, but it's enough to increased my happiness index.
Especially for traveling programs, they shown the beautifull place from Indonesia and other country. Actually, I enjoyed it, even the cameraman shot the host often than the view. I don't blame the cameraman, but at least they must show us (as viewer) the view of destination to teasing us, to make us feel so envy, to make us curious, to make us dream about it and going there. Sometimes I feel uncomfortable if they shot the host too much, I want to see the view!!!. If the situation is bored like that, I always thought there's no different by the sinetron with great a background.
However, no matter how I hate the bored part of that program, I still love and always watched until finish. I'm appreciated to the crew whom went so far for tried so hard to make us satisfy. I'm appreciated to their research which brought us into the new place. I'm appreciated to the cameraman whom presented the great view in my screen. I'm appreciated to the editor whom make it perfect. I'm appreciated to the host whom dressed up so well and gave a little comment about that place before went with smile. Also, I'm appreciated to the dubber whom explained more clearly about the destination. Thank you!!!
Culinary program is the second place in my list (and the temptest program in Ramadhan). There is nothing wrong with culinary program, but I have a big concern about it, at least please consider from the viewer side.
We (me and mom) watched the culinary program whom hosted by an amateur woman, she is beautifull, talkactive, had a good pronounciation for say the name of food and the bar or restaurant which deserved it, had a good communication with manager and waitress, had a big curiousity and etc. But those are dissapeard while she shown how she ate ... iyyuuhhh!!!
She is came to the sate stand and make an order for mushroom sate and vegetable sate. Then she pick a seat with a man who sat alone and she start the conversation in (over) action. The order arrived, she pick one sate and tasted, OMG!!! I can't describe how she ate likes nobody watching without a little bit of shame of her act, too disturbing ... and disguisting .... eewww!!!
Then, she came to the Thailand food stand, choose the menu and waiting the order. She explain to us (the viewer) about the food she order with fully mouth, Hey! finish your food then talk!!! I hate the way she used smell the food, I hate the way she used the tongue for reach the food, I hate the way she cleaned up her dirty mouth, I hate the way she ate!!! WHY? WHY? WHY? why they choosed her? my appetite dissapeard as soon as she cleaned the plate.
Here is my mom comment while watched her.
My mom : "Itu presenter acara makan-makan (kuliner) kok jelek banget makannya"
Me : "Waktu interviewnya gak dites makan mah..."
My mom : "Masa sih? liat itu sampe monyong-monyong gitu"
Me : "Ya kan yang nginterviewnya juga gak tau kalau (cara) makannya kaya gitu"
My mom : "Harusnya ya, kalau acara kaya gitu (kuliner) yang dipilih tu yang bagus (cara) makannya"
Me : "Iyah, harusnya sih kaya gitu"
My mom : "Terus ya, kalau jelek gitu mah jangan direkam pas makannya"
Me : "Iya Mah, jadi males liatnya juga"
My mom : "Udah ah, ganti, ganti (channel) ke yang lain"
Come on ... as host she's isn't ate for herself, she ate for viewers, all viewers whom watched her, all viewers in Indonesia!!! As the host at least she make us starving and searching more about the food, not make us annoying with her manner and change the channel. Please see as viewer side. I thought, I'm watched an amateur video whom shown how to ate your food shameless.
My only ADVISE for the HRD department of every television whom has a culinary program : Please make an eating test for the host and choose the right one who, beautifullness and communication skill are useless without the manner.
I'm not a professional, I'm not a televison program criticus, I'm not traveling expert, I'm not culinary expert, I'm just a television user whom dissapointed by culinary program host.
My junior-senior high schoolmates Rela and Futih are getting married on 22nd November; I never thought before that they would continue their relationship, even getting married!! Surprise!! and yes, they were dating in high school and separated during college time but united as bride and groom in the end. Such a lovely story that happens in the friend cycle.
I went to Bandung on Friday and had an appointment with Pici and Yanto (her original name is Deanty, but sometimes we call her Dea, Deanto, Yanti, or Yanto) at Dipati Ukur because Pici has a seminar in UNPAD. It's my first meeting with Yanto since her comeback from Nijmegan Holland after finishing her S2.
After prayer, we went to late lunch, and Pici picked Nasi Goreng Mafia as our meal of the noon. We came innocently, chose our menu with the lowest level, and were surprised by the taste. For us, it's the spiciest nasi goreng that was eaten. We couldn't stop drinking and regretted not seeing the unlevel meal.
We used DAMRI from UNPAD to Cileunyi, continued by bus from Cileunyi to Garut (Tarogong Mosque), then took Andong / sado / Delman, a.k.a kuda to Pici house, aka Mile Base Camp. We're gossiping about ourselves and one another in a way to Garut and continued at Pici. Icunk came after Isya, and we spent the rest of the night gossiping again, hehe...
As usual, we took much time using makeup things and veils; I don't say it's wasted time, but it needed much more time than I thought. Uyun came to pick us up; previously, we planned to use Andong to the reception building. Just to feel Garut air.
Actually, we came late at 10.00 AM, but the bride and the groom just finished their Akad. We watched their ceremony while waiting for our friend. As we know, a moment wouldn't be complete without photos, so we are busy capturing moments, selfies, and groupies. Also, with the baby, if there is any.
It's time for the bride to throw the hand bouquet to the single one. But, even though most of my friends are single, no one gets the hand bouquet. It was thrown to one single lucky man, who was known later as a colleague friend of the groom. We put our disjointness in the deepest of our hearts hehe We just want it as photo property, not as a sign of marriage or bride-to-be in the soon. Because we all live, our marriage happens by ourselves and god hand. Just for fun :)
After food tasting around, we've got a full tummy. Seriously, many food stands are teasing us without any exceptions. And as usual, we couldn't have to force the curiosity. We took photo grouping in the photo booth, which was deserved by the guest; of course, we all had a little fight after getting the photo result; everyone wanted the best shot in their stunning outfit.
We went to Shanty house near the Great Mosque of Garut after Rela's reception; she finished junior high school with us and then moved to a regular senior high school in Jakarta. But the friendship never ends, right? A friend always has a place and will accept it no matter what. So, there we are...
The main reason for coming is we want to see Shanty's baby boy, Andra. We've just seen him on Path for so long, and now we have a chance to meet him. My friends, such as Beye, Hani, and Nurma busy immediately taking care of Andra. So are we, busy sharing how we live our lives. Then, Shanty left us to head to another reception in Bandung; we stayed for a while before deciding to go back.
Beye asked me to spend the night in her house at Garut and go to Cipanas in the morning before taking a bath. I really want it so badly, but I need to go home in the morning and reject her offer. I am staying (again) at Pici's house.
I went to Bandung in the morning to my sister's rented house in Riung. I need to change more than 2 transportations before reaching her.
Garut-Bandung by Primajasa (Garut-Bekasi) stop in Rancaekek,
Rancaekek-Cileunyi by Angkot,
Cileunyi-Cibiru by Angkot,
Cibiru-Cicadas by Angkot,
Dago-Riung by Angkot; at that time, I just walked
Actually, I can use a minibus from Rancaekek to Cibiru, but I forgot :(
Ok, it would be a tough week.